The Study and Research Centre in International and Intercultural Health (CSI) was established in 2006 within the Department of Medicine and Public Health of Bologna University. The CSI is involved in training and research in global health, based on a multidisciplinary approach geared to analysing health and disease processes in the wider setting of their proximal and distal determinants. Researchers, lecturers, professionals and students from various disciplines (medicine, public health, medical anthropology, human and social sciences, law and economics) contribute to the activities, which are conducted with participatory methodology. Link
The CERGAS Global Health and Development Area – at Luigi Bocconi Business University of Milan is a new research area created in December 2010, continuing an interest in global health and its teaching that began at the SDA Bocconi Management School in 2002. The group work performed within the area includes teaching (first and second degrees, management school), the preparation of feasibility studies and assessments, and the provision of technical assistance services. The area addresses the subject of global health in the wider setting of development policies and strategies, adopting a multidisciplinary approach encompassing public health, political economics, law, social and managerial sciences, combined with Bocconi's traditional expertise in public and not-for-profit management and company social responsibility. Link
La Sapienza University of Rome, Europe's largest university, is active in the global health field through the Departments of Public Health and Infectious Diseases (Prof. Marceca) and Women's and Territorial Medicine (Prof. Tarsitani), which organize, on an annual basis, optional courses for students reading different degrees (Medicine, Nursing Science, Obstetrics, Social Service), in collaboration with the Italian Observatory on Global Health (OISG) and the Italian Society for Migration Medicine (SIMM). The specific features of these courses are their interdisciplinary approach and the strong assessment structure of the training process. Link
The Department of Hygiene - Institute of Public Health - Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy, is part of the educational and cultural project of the "Agostini Gemelli" University Hospital, which is an internationally acclaimed centre of excellence. It is organized into units and carries out teaching and training work, and research and support, consultancy and international relations activities, in the area relating to the safeguard and promotion of collective health. The complexity of the domains covered requires a plurality of knowledge ranging from general medical and biological to managerial sciences, from physics and chemistry to social, legislative and organizational-programming sciences, from epidemiology and health statistics, to anthropology, health engineering and ethics. The various themes are addressed through an interdisciplinary approach and a global vision, without foregoing specific, sectorial elaborations for targeted objectives and with a commitment to synthesis, motivating its doctrinaire structure and applicatory aspects. Link
The Department of Public Health of Florence University has been involved in health policy and programming for some 15 years now. The study and research areas – and therefore academic teaching (medical students and residents) and in-training dissemination domains (participation in courses and conferences, coordination of the website) are: social determinants and inequalities in health; organization and management of primary care; chronic diseases; migrant health; international health systems and health policies; global health. Link
The Medical School of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine of Perugia University is based at the Department of Hygiene and Public Health. The documented teaching of Hygiene at Perugia University dates back to 1332, when Gentile da Foligno wrote his Consilia. Since then, teaching has continued uninterrupted over the centuries at the Faculties of Arts, Medicine and Philosophy. The Department's fields of scientific interest include Public Health, Epidemiology, Health Education and Planning and Health Service Assessment, Health Economics, Virology, Applied Microbiology, and Environmental Hygiene. The School also collaborates with the population-based cancer registry for Umbria. Link
Doctors with Africa CUAMM is the largest Italian organization for the promotion and protection of the health of African populations. Since 1950 it has been conducting long-term development projects with a view to making access to healthcare services available to all, even the most marginal population groups. Thanks to the project, "Equal opportunities for health: action for development," Doctors with Africa CUAMM has in recent years carried out training activities and built public awareness on the subject of global health. Link
The Secretariat of the Italian Medical Students (SISM) is a not-for-profit association present in 35 Italian faculties of Medicine, created by and for medical students. Since 2006 it has also been involved in training its members and medical students in general on the themes of global health and migration medicine through national and local events. Link
The Italian Society of Migration Medicine (SIMM) was established at the beginning of 1990 and can be considered a national "policy network" for exchanging experiences, data, scientific evidence and considerations on health policy, including at the local level, relating to migrants' right to health care. Link
The Italian Society of Medical Managers arose in 2006 from the close collaboration with the British Association of Medical Managers and the American College of Physician Executives, to promote, develop and consolidate the role and function of manager within the medical profession in Italy. Link
The Italian Observatory on Global Health (OISG), formed by internationally acclaimed providers and researchers, was established as an area for reflection and research into the themes of global health, with a view to contributing to the exchange of expertise already existing in Italy on the subject of global health and to working towards an independent analysis of the globalization process and its effects on health. Link
The National Council of Residents in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine is an official Organ of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SITL), which promotes exchange and growth in Medical Schools of Hygiene, contributing to the debate on resident training and to the discussion of the various problems relating to expertise specific to Hygiene. Link
The Center for Global Health of the Region of Tuscany (CSG) is the result of an innovative alliance between healthcare organizations, Government and Regional Academy in order to undertake initiatives that can contribute to the efforts undertaken by the international community to address the challenges in the field of Global Health. The Centre pertains organizationally all'AOU Meyer and its priority action areas are: international health cooperation, neglected tropical diseases, health policies and health of migrants. The Centre is mainly engaged in research, education and training, technical assistance and design. Link
Comitato Collaborazione Medica (CCM) Link
Federazione Nazionale degli Ordini dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri Link